
Steven Drovie - Gameplay Programmer

Hey there, I’m a gameplay programmer with over two years of professional game development experience at Volition and have been making games since high school.

I started my game dev journey when I tried to figure out how Minecraft was made and stumbled upon LWJGL. From there, I learned more about frameworks and engines and ended up using Unity to make a simple maze game in high school with a friend of mine.

After high school, I pursued a game design degree and a computer science minor at Bradley University. During my time at Bradley, I made numerous projects in Unity with small and large teams. My driving force was always finding a new way to challenge myself with each project.

I graduated from Bradley in 2021 and landed an internship at Volition on Saints Row (2022), and that turned into a full-time gig. Thanks to my time at Volition I got to meet many amazing people and gain a deeper understanding of the gaming industry firsthand.

With Volition’s closure, I’m keeping myself going by what opportunities might come next.